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Flag Football

DE Turf Flag Football League

League participants will learn relevant skills, play games and learn good sportsmanship, in a fun and positive environment.  Participants will practice on Wednesday evenings and play six games on Friday evenings at DE Turf Sports Complex. 

Co-Ed Age Divisions:

  • 5 - 7 Age Group 
  • 8 - 10 Age Group
  • 11 - 12 Age Group 

Season Dates:

  • Frist Practice: 3/19
  • Games: March 28 - May 16th
    • Friday Evenings: 6 - 9pm


  • 3/19 - 5/14
    • Wednesday Evenings: 6-7/7:30pm


EARLY BIRD - $110 ($120 Starting February 12th)

Equipment Needed:

All participants will be responsible for:

- Non Metal Cleats or Sneakers

- Shorts/Pants

- Mouth Guard

** DE Turf will provide team jerseys and belts **


Volunteer coaches are essential to the league's operation. Parents are strongly encouraged to coach their player's teams.

To maintain a healthy and safe environment, we ask that anyone interested in volunteer coaching at DE Turf to complete the DE Turf Volunteer Coaches Checklist. 

Please complete and return to Program Coordinator, Henry Little

Henry Little

Program Coordinator